Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Maghrebine personality. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Maghrebine personality. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012

Time to confront our history, our present and our future

Understanding the historical facts of Sub-Mediterranean region, will prevent us from useless confrontations, and will benefit us to aspire towards a clearer and stable future, a future that understands and comprehends the exclusive Maghrebine personality, without and far from the fake nationalism enforced by the occupier and without the imported ideologies.

A distinct and careerist nation to develop within a participatory approach is the ideal image of a promising nation willing to progress to a brighter future on a steady path and trajectory.

The West is bankrupt, and our future, God willing, lies within the ability to create and hard work, and founding this future on our heritage and our exclusivity which was one day the beacon, only to fail afterwards and vanish due to a reason or another and a collective responsibility and accountability.

It is about time to confront our history, our present and our future with a responsible impartiality and transparency.

Abdeslam Baraka.
December 24th 2012

Translated By Mourad Beni-ich